Sunday mornings at 10 AM. 733 Main St., Westbrook, Maine
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Our Programs

Part of our DNA as a Faith Building Community has been to focus on people rather than programs. Our hope is to offer chances to connect and grow without overwhelming with meetings every night of the week. If we're always "at church" we won't have the time or energy to be salt and light in our communities. We encourage you to plug in without getting overcommitted.

Our Ministries

We serve the community of Westbrook and surrounding communities in numerous ways: free community dinners, furniture ministry, food pantry, summer cookouts,resources for unsheltered neighbors, Alcoholics Anonymous, SUD recovery connections and more. Click here for details.

Life Groups

Our Life Groups meet in homes. What is a Life Group? Simply, they're a place to make and build connections with others without needing to commit to reading books or any type of advance preparation. Sometimes bible study groups can be pretty intimidating, depending on their format. Life Groups are just groups of us getting together to maybe share a weekly meal, laugh together, tell stories, maybe go out to dinner or throw a murder mystery party. Faith discussions, when they happen, are in a non-threatening format where we contibute only what we want and are not put on the spot.

Studies and Support Groups

Check the calendar for current Bible study topics and times. You will also find support group opportunities listed there.

Men's Ministry

We meet monthly for breakfast and a focus point. Check the calendar for dates and times. Before the pandemic hit we were just getting some small group connecting opportunities underway. We'd love to see the Lord send us someone with the desire to get things going again. 

Women's Ministry

Our Ladies Connection is active meeting on Tuesday evenings throughout the year in addition to social gatherings and special events.

Ministry Teams

Getting involved in one of our ministry teams is a great way to get connected while also serving. Ask about volunteering with our Open Door Kitchen team, furniture team, music team, nursery team, Kidztime team, events team, production team.

Student and Children's Ministry

Yes! We've begun our student ministry progam and a Kids Club too!
Our youth group for grades 6-12 meets every other Sunday from 6:30-8 PM and our Kids Club for grades 1-5 meets every other Monday afternoon from 4:30-5:30 PM. Click here to check the calendar and join us.