Sunday mornings at 10 AM. 733 Main St., Westbrook, Maine
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At FBC Westbrook our goal is simply-stated: we aim to love God with all that we are, love people wherever and however we can (all people) and try to live like Jesus, the actual Jesus of the Bible, in our daily lives. Jesus said that all the Law and the Prophets, the entire Bible, boils down to these things. We love Westbrook, and Gorham, and Windham and all the Greater Portland area and actively seek to serve as Jesus served.       

What is "FBC?" Historically, since 1888, this building has been home to "First Baptist Church," but now, stylistically-speaking,  we no longer fit what many people outside of church communities expect to find in a Baptist church and are more of a contemporary Faith-Building Community. "FBC Westbrook" stays true to our historic roots while also communicating significant changes in our approach to life and ministry.   

When you visit in person, you will see that our style is relaxed and informal. We don't focus on providing flawless production or tons of programs but, instead, focus our energies on serving in our community and bringing Light and Hope. Grace compels us to serve. Come see if we're the place for you. If not, we'll try to help you find your fit in one of the other many great churches in our area.

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Sunday Morning Study
Ladies' book study.
A deep dive into the most well-known bible stories. On Zoom.
FBC Westbrook


We are a Grace-saturated community of messy people trying to navigate life by getting to know Jesus more. Today, we are a faith community of around 100-150 people. Our numbers include young families, singles, college students, empty nesters and grandparents. That means we have people just like you. As much as practical, we like to all gather together for worship from youngest to oldest, rather than segment everyone by age. more

FBC Westbrook


We do our best to maintain an outward focus rather than become ingrown. Our faith demands that we do whatever we can, wherever we can and whenever we can, with whatever we have, to try to make a difference and make life-changing, true connections with the people around us. FBC Westbrook is very active and visible locally and involved internationally, sponsoring a school in Guatemala. more

Immigrant service


We welcome our new neighbors and do all we can to help them get settled. God's Peace Assembly, speaking English, French, Portuguese and Lingala, gathers for worship on Sunday afternoons. Our furniture ministry helps our brothers and sisters get their new apartments set up with beds, couches, tables, chairs and kitchen needs. Our afternoon and morning congregations partner in serving the community. more


Are you looking for a church that is more academic in approach or more focused on addressing today's challenges? Our Sunday morning messages focus on being topical, relevant teachings from Scripture that you can apply immediately but we strongly believe academic, knowledge-giving teachings are vital to maturing Christians. We hope our class offerings, LifeGroups and book studies, in addition to our main Sunday gathering, will help you dig deep.


Are you thinking that churches only care about money? At FBC Westbrook we don't even pass a plate. Giving is available online and in person for those who understand that God invites us to partner in ministry through giving of our time, treasure and talent. If you want to support what God is doing through our local gathering, we invite you to give by clicking here. You can also mail your gift or drop it in the plate at a gathering.


Did you miss a message or want to get caught up on a series? We post all our past messages online here in our audio vault. If you prefer to watch past messages, visit our Facebook page. While it's so easy to stay home and watch or listen at your convenience, we encourage you to come out and join with others whenever possible. We are stronger together. Each of us has a role to play.


LifeGroups are where life happens. Our main focus in our LifeGroups is relationship. The Christian word is "fellowship" but, over the years, that word has lost its meaning. The Greek word "koinonia", translated "fellowship," implied more of true, connecting friendships where we feel comfortable sharing the ups and downs of life as we grow closer to Jesus. Our LifeGroups focus in on our Sunday morning topics and dig a little bit deeper but are not the traditional bible study format.


We disagree with those who say that children are the church of the future. We believe children are just as much a part of the church of today as adults are! At FBC Westbrook we work to welcome children in our worship gatherings and include them. Then, when it comes time for the teaching part of our gathering, our children take part in a fun bible story and activities designed just for them. Our approach is like a one-room schoolhouse for ages 3-10, with the oldest kids helping the youngest.